Janine resides in Genoa, Nevada with her husband and two boys and puppy.. She works out of Elevate Wellness Center in beautiful South Lake Tahoe.
Janine is motivated by the desire to see the potential and well-being of all things and this curiosity has shaped her life. For as long as she can remember, she has been interested in alternative methods and approaches for healing the body and obtaining a healthy lifestyle.
Throughout her life she has explored and highly respected many different methods and practices to achieve this. After her personal experience receiving the benefits, she committed herself to study and complete a 5-year, full-time Osteopathy program in Germany. This has given her the opportunity to have the medical background as well as a philosophical and spiritual approach to the body's healing processes. She graduated in 2008 with a diploma from the "German College of Osteopathic Medicine". She is also licensed as a Naturopath in Germany.
The difference of European vs. US trained Osteopaths can be found here.
Over the course of her studies, Janine received extensive training in Craniosacral Therapy, along with Visceral Manipulation and Musculoskeletal Therapies.
After moving to Portland and additional training at East West College of Healing Arts she received her Oregon license in January 2010.
Janine would like her work to function as a guideline for exploration, possibility and inquiry into health rather than a set of techniques.
Her love and appreciation for nature, meditation, breath work and movement are the foundation for her work.
She is deeply thankful for everything she has learned and humbled by all that arises from it.
Associations & Credentials
Professional Affiliations:
Certified Osteopath (Germany), 2008
Naturopathic Practitioner (Germany), 2007
Licensed Massage Therapist (Oregon #16319), 2010, currently inactive
Certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Practitioner (RCST), 2015
Licensed Massage Therapist Nevada
Licensed Massage Therapist California, (CA # 72872)
Certified Lactation Support Provider (CLSP)
Trainings & Continuing Education
Full-time, 5 year Osteopathy program at the German College of Osteopathic Medicine (GCOM), 2003-2008
Postgraduate Osteopathy courses specializing in Gynecology and TMJ Dysfunctions
Internships with Luc Fieuw, DO, Agnes Engelen, DO & Danny Debouvre, DO, (Belgium)
Provider at Paralympics Belgium, 2007
Internships at the Univerity Teaching Hospital, Mainz, Germany & Children's Hospital, Frankfurt, Germany, 2007
Teaching assisiant for Jeffrey Burch, MS, Functional Methods Class, Portland, Oregon, 2011 & 2017
Lactation Update for birth professionals, Melissa Cole, IBCLC, 2012
Pediatrics Course, Dr. James Jealous, DO, 2012
Completion of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist (RCST) Training with Cherionna Menzam, 2011-2013
Presenter at Infant and Maternal Craniosacral Conference, Portland, Oregon, 2014
Module 1, Fascial Distorsion Model, Dr. Gene Lennard, DO, 2015
Tongue & Lip Tie:Impact, Assessment and Treatment, Allison Hazelbaker, 2016
GOLD Learning Online Tongue-tie: Research & Implications, 2016
GOLD Learning Online Tongue-tie Symposium, 2018
Tongue & Lip Tie: Assessment and Care, Melissa Cole, 2019
FASCIA: What is the Fascial Significance for Your Manual Therapies, Serge Paoletti, 2020
Common Infant Digestive Concerns: Care Strategies for the Allied Health Professional,Melissa Cole, 2021
Certified Lactation Support Provider (CLSP) Certification, GOLD Lactation Academy, 2024